X-ray Diffraction Facility

Cornell University Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Tag: inorg chem (page 2 of 2)

Congrats to Aohan!

Congratulations to Aohan Hu from the Wilson group (CU Chemistry) for his recently published article in Inorganic Chemistry!

Oxyaapa: A Picolinate-Based Ligand with Five Oxygen Donors that Strongly Chelates Lanthanides

Aohan Hu, Ivan Keresztes, Samantha N. MacMillan, Yang Yang, Erdong Ding, Warren R. Zipfel, Robert A. DiStasio Jr., John W. Babich, and Justin J. Wilson


Congrats to Nikki and Josh!

Congratulations to Nikki Thiele and Josh Woods from the Wilson group (CU Chemistry) for their recently published article in Inorganic Chemistry!

Implementing f‑Block Metal Ions in Medicine: Tuning the Size Selectivity of Expanded Macrocycles

Nikki A. Thiele, Joshua J. Woods and Justin J. Wilson


Congrats to Karthika!

Congratulations to Karthika Kadassery from the Lacy group (University at Buffalo Chemistry) for her recently published article in Inorganic Chemistry!

Resurgence of Organomanganese(I) Chemistry. Bidentate Manganese(I) Phosphine–Phenol(ate) Complexes

Karthika J. Kadassery, Samantha N. MacMillan, David C. Lacy


Congrats to Charlene!

Congratulations to Chilaluck Konkankit from the Wilson group (CU Chemistry) for her recently published article in Inorganic Chemistry!

Combinatorial Synthesis to Identify a Potent, Necrosis-InducingRhenium Anticancer Agent

Chilaluck C. Konkankit, Brett A. Vaughn, Samantha N. MacMillan, Eszter Boros and Justin J. Wilson*


Congrats to Paden, Hendryck and Jung-Eun!

Congratulations to Paden King, Hendryck Gellineau and Jung-Eun Ahn from the Wilson group (CU Chemistry) for their recently published article in the Inorganic Chemistry!

Bis(thiosemicarbazone) Complexes of Cobalt(III). Synthesis, Characterization, and Anticancer Potential

A. Paden King, Hendryck A. Gellineau, Jung-Eun Ahn, Samantha N. MacMillan, and Justin J. Wilson


Congrats to Sarah and Nick!

Congratulations to Sarah Nathan and Nicholas Pino from the Wilson group (CU Chemistry) for their recently published article in Inorganic Chemistry!

Synthetic Methods for the Preparation of a Functional Analogue of Ru360, a Potent Inhibitor of Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake

Sarah R. Nathan, Nicholas W. Pino, Daniela M. Arduino, Fabiana Perocchi, Samantha N. MacMillan, and Justin J. Wilson



Congrats to Brian!

Congratulations to Brian Jacobs from the Wolczanski group (CU Chemistry) for his recently published article in Inorganic Chemistry!

Oxidatively Triggered Carbon–Carbon Bond Formation in Ene-amide Complexes

Brian P. Jacobs, Peter T. Wolczanski, and Emil B. Lobkovsky


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